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, ,The-Simplicity'of Goo • ..hil bettu,ie· in ~her11. And fuch afpeeehwas that ·, cfCbrifl toM4rth.1,; Oite thing iJnecejlarie: that is if you looke toany thigg ~l.fe,·yoar heart is no~ fingle : .ought to take himalone, as a Wife takes·a H.usband,..that muft hav.e ;none befides, :.(for fo It mu£\: be.)· is tbe·.firft thing required to.flmtltcitie andJi1!g}enejfe -1ffririt. The fecond is.this_: . . -~ Let the heart- be cleanfed from all admixture .. The;,_ ~ea1n: • of tmf.uJl affeclions, brought into fuch,a · .mun ue c ean. · c. tl . t. _ l l . :· fed fr9m fia· l'rarn~; 1at lt .may lX: apt to ooke one y·upon ·full -atfecUons. one .obj~&, upon G-oD alGne. And rhis I rake outof ·Mdt.t/:1,6~ 2~. The .l{the.64die ~·the -eye, ifthen ,.tpe ey~!!gle, the wh1le b.odie jh&ZUbe light, &c. -even as the .eye guides all rh,e mem– bers of thebody,·thehands;feer~&c. f0doth the heart or mind<! guide:allthe a&ions ofa man. 8imilt~ Now as the eye;rif it be vitiated ordifrempered with drunkenneffe,-or furfeir, or-the li~e, it doth .not reprefent ,things·ftngle, :but doubleand tre- , . ble 1 and.fqmakes.aman to w:tlke unevenly: fo SmfulhffeAI· finfull affellrions, ·which .are -contra-de to the ORtlllakctbe Ji 1. • • f h . d d .I'. d"A . h hc4n double. . zmp tcztteo t emtn e,. oe·1o lnetnper 1t, t at - .. it·.cannot'looke upon Go n alone, as upon one . :tingle-objecr, but it bath an eye to other objeffs with bim,:and he is difi:empered betweene them, -;a.nd .fo bee walk~s .unevenly. As for example; feare will m~ke .a man to walke in .a double w:ay ; ;U diffembling and!double-d.ealing ·car– riage COIDC·S from feare ; were it not for feare, menwouldbeplaine,and nm pie: t1'terefore feare ofmen, oranycreature, lolfe ofcredit, life,or ' · 1ibertie, ·