Preston - BT100 P8 1634

, ' libertie, this is a fnare,.-and d1fiempers the·eye r and till the heart becleanf~d of thefe, youwill · : ., never waJke eventy. -And-"fo doth cov~touf .. ndfedifteEnperus, ·and voluptuott'fFleffe, or~any · · M.•;·~'· in any kindc., ·any over..eager •d~ftre, dr too ·much Mfte to ..accompliili the end which a ;man p~opounds to himfelfe. So 14cobJ too much ha-fting after the .bkffingmadehimnor· t~ looke ftngldyupon·:G'oJ ,;, bu~~:rogoe:adouble and unevea.way ill ufing unlawful!' rneanes to obtain~ i.ti And·"ftfoflo&m~· toa·greedydeft re of the .Kingdettie; tnadebim · ~o joyne Ggd and ~he . Calves.· toc:rether : for .two feve.raH.-principles · caufe two1everaU motions~ And 'fs ts·ltwhen : there is anyinor~·inate affedion; be it what _it · will be,.:.~here i~not! a Jimplicityof 'heart; and ·if thereberio~, you·will never Io~e-upoo-G;o fi a;. lone, but uP-on fome creature, U?On' fome ob: jeet or other. "therc~ore, I Ames ~· -~ •._cleanftyour ra,,4 • .e,·-s. hc.irtJ you tr~vermg-mtnded•. A~ tfwhc~ theheart , was clean(ed fromCG>nuptlon, the mmdwould . b~&cedfromwa\vering; ·and 'brougbt to fimpli– . cltie; were t~e heart purged, there would 'be a \c.Opfiancieandevennclfeinour.moutb,a_nd inall · : ourwayes-~ ·. ' · · · · ·This·expreffibn of:{fmplfcity y®friaU find in '-- M A,fhew I o. I-6~. Behold, 1fendyou 41 fheepe among Matth. ro: rt-. · · ' ' wolvu; her~ift:1herefore-a'1·8erpentt;-AnJ. innoctnt IU ~pca~d·· · · I Dove.r•The'meaning is this~Ifendyou(faidroL1r · ,le \. 1 . -Saviour).a~ongmenascrueUas~olve.r,that will . perfecute, ·burr, ,and devoftr~ ·you ·; wherefore· , tg}~ ¥0llleave,(.na.y,.exhdrt- you :to:bee "Wife M - . __ 1 i~~.: --------~----------------~seryent!;~~---- 1