Preston - BT100 P8 1634

.,. . , ... ' ' - . I ~ i ' ~ ' ' '' L '! 1o CCIY. -t •. u. , C!pcncd. The Sim.plicil' o{Gon. Strtents ;. that is>as Stfttnts· have manywiles)doe · windea..nd t-l.ttlle, .to lbelteroff a lheke,– fend their. bead,fod~e you: bur: on theother lidc tak~·beedo.fb~ing too.fea1efuUo.f duis perfetu•~ , tiQn, fe that w·aen toendure,ir comes to·bea·du.. tie,youdoenot fhrinke ba1:k,andwithdrawyour fdv-es; 1>\u in fuch acafe, let yourhearts beGsm- · pie, cl~anfedfrom fuch an inordinate affeltion; as. ~ba-t feafe is, and .even take that blow, as the ; Dovesdoe, wihichhave nowiles,as~he Ser-pents have to- defend daemfelves t but !land frill and take tlaeblQw~:S~thaninany fuch cafe,wbenadl(t" . tiei.s ·to·be.dQne,.as the ~profeffing ofmy Name, or,. ber.eyou mufi: take the b1owas wiL. '· :Jingly. asaDo.vedoth,thereisnoavoiding in fuch . .a cafe ; ther~forc take heed that yourhearts be · Jimple,that ther~·l1eno feare there. And this is the · very·meaning and~opeof the word1,.hmoC'ent M 1 Dl17e.r,fimpleas Doves in the Origina11; that is, let no (tnfull inordinate temptation admixe it , felfe,and fo depriveyouof thisftn~pli cityofheart, becaufeyoudoe not likemy fervice. This you ihall fee livelyexempli~ed in Saint 1' aul, 2 C1r. 1.• 1 i . For ourrejoycingbt thil, the te– Jlimonie of our confcience, that in jimplicitfe and godly jinceritie, not mithflefhly ·~ife.dqme; fiut hy. thegraceof Go D we.e- hA-e hAd our ·co?Wtr[A-tiort in the world-, . Ana ~t~ore aku11da.mly t-D· Jlfll-ff'ar.d.f. SaintPAul : a very. prmlent man, and thereforeh~ted· above ; aU the:A:polHes , .ev-en; as~ SArJl .was angry·witli ;,b.ecaule hee4)l'a/ked wt"'fHy, he~ was fo·fub- ; till to efcapc-out o6·his hands·,; which is as if · the · . ~- :.