Preston - BT100 P8 1634

--~~~----- -~~----~~~----~~----. \.- The Simplici~ ~f Goo. - / the Hounds fh(!}uld .cot:n·p~aineaftbe Hare, .,th~t · fhe~ hatb fomanytrick~s toefcapefr-om thetn: but as. l.faid, he~ w"s ~}t prudent' man, and. beeufed the[erpef!tJ.wifedome .to{ave.hi·mfelfe, as heedidwhen theatlemb-lycanfrfte~:of.~ ~~~dduc~J· and Pna.r.ifu, h~e put a divifion.betwecme them; and foefcaped hirnfelfe,(as itwe~();through the middeft.of them. So th~firft part"-was_true in· · 'him, bee ~as a: wjJe 4J 4 ser,pene,_ t.o~keep.etll~.· ·carnall wife- · blow.8tffrom.h1m1ctl(e. But OOW·Efalth the!\,- poll:le) ifcarn'all.wifedome <ha.Hcome ih~ · (that tolincerity. is,) ·ifmyUf:lderfi:anding fhall fugg~ft. iltl Jriordi..: . \ nate ~anes, and_£ball fay, G0eand·giyea bl\ib~ · ·: to:Fce/ix, and· thou:!halt.efcape. impt:ifonmeilt~ as·by this meanes at another.timehe-m-ignt·; oi . goeand takeagift ofthefcCorinthilms; arid thou fhalt have fomething of thine ow~e,:·and lhalt not bee fo dependent on the alrnes:ofti~hers ; now (faith bee) when a carnall w-ifdome·fhaH ·· fuggell: any fuch tping tome, I neverwouldad~ : mit ofit, but·l have walked injimplitity-a-ndgod- · ly pureneffe towardaUmen, but efpecially ' to– ~ardyou Corinthi~tnJ; here was inhi~' thefi1hjli- ·, . c·ttyoftbeDovu. . -- That wee might draw it a little rnore to par- · !i~ulars, you thall fee another expreffi;on of · . i I I tl;us, .Ephef. 6~ 5~ Servant~ he o'b-edi·~nt ~o. them t~~tt ·Ephtf. '·'· 4re yoiir m4He·rs in the-- ftefh·, ·withfe~tre 4tuJ,·t-f'em:.·· .~ " ,: : hling;. in ]inglenej!e ofyour he•r,, at untoCht'i.ff; · I (that I,s,) fe~vttntJ, take ~eed ev~n fllith fe,ere isn.dl.·: tremhltng, that yot,t_. admit notany tinifrer 01: by- . .I refped:s in performing your~duey; for there··are~ · · . E e mai!YL . --.