Preston - BT100 P8 1634

..:-.;_ ----- - .. , ~ 6,6:. ----------~~~--~~------~ many~otivcs.,. a'S feare,hope,-reward;and-'a beccf-:- ·• fitie . todoe it, but leepe your ·heuts jingle, that The Simplicity of Goo. . ·. .~oumay.lo~keonely upon Chrifl and bis Com-. rnandement, and .then you {hall be faithfull in , yo.ur,(¥~Yi~e ;- ~ot if·~~~~r refpet't~ mingle tllem– felv~s.-,wnh th1~ fimplt~t·t~e;you w1-I1 doe b~t ey_e.. ftr'f!tct, you n:-tH doe 1t 1t1 a double anddtlfem- ,, , blmg manner, not plainely, and ·heartify, and . · .I ,. , !1/ff~~ - J:qerefore l~t us-._put i~ -prafrife tl'ii$ fim- .1 .. ··'. ... - f/;fttJe- upon .alL occafions, m all ?rll~r thmg~ ~.t'»·•~· · · whatf~yer:; R-om.t2.8. Hu.th4tdtffrzbuteth, · · h~~ dfJe 'it~njimplicitie..::that-is, .irien are fubjell: ,, tahy·fJl4.s _. i~·\ ~heirg?od·' work'es; ~ a-s in gfving. j ajme,s, 9rlhe!VJ.Og akmdflclfe to men:, th'ere may ·1 l>e,many_by-refped:s:; : as that they ·maymak.e llfe of :di~m: -hereafter' or th'elike. ; but ·(fayth hee), ke'p.e yot~ your heart jir~Jple~ to,looke upon G 9,9: '!1-\one:o in them~ So i~ convetfing with . men,tW~.yQ.u ,profdfe love aqd kindrreffe,you . ·' ' 't . . : ~ '{ . ; are . fubje~; t-o· by-ends ind_oi>flg·ir; ;but .theDif- .,. ~flu. 4 6r. ciplcs arc,~o·m.mended·, .A~s 2 .46. that th'eydid · t4_t,~ th.cir.Jf?J_f~t JJ?.itJ,gladnifje ANd- fingleiuff'e ofheart: _ th~t i_s,. w_ha~k>N.e;theypr~fe~d?ne·-toanother, . they were fimple and 'platn~ m 1t, not ·double. C~ompa-re.this place wirh· thar-·in 2• Pu. z. 2 2 • • Seeing. you b4'l:e. purified yosr-fel'l·u , in c/;eying the . ,t¥ztt.h · .. (h the Spirit; Jmt~ unfaintd _lo-z:e -1{ the .. ; l ·l .~ · · 'hrJ.Jh1etJ1;(te thAt.yee /(J!t.•etme •4?10ther fl'ith"·a pure love· ,. :; · [t>rvt.~ttly: - tbat · is-, when there is ··nothingelfe, < j w·ben d1e hea·rt is fimpleand plaine,- wh'en there . ·i :~ is .nothing_ ~Llt ·'l?ve,, no 'mixrure, no by-ends : d. '· . ~n- it!' ;·SPJik~vufe, when y~ come_ to prea~h 1 l t:he ·, '