Preston - BT100 P8 1634

' the Gofpel, d9e it .in jimplitity of hearc._ · th~:t -is, let there bee nothing be£ides: as the Apolllc · faithof himfelfe, preached Chri.fl · and not :hiinfelfe, to we-(heulddoe every thing injimpli· . cityofhear.r. And fo you fhoutd ·D~have your :felve~ ,in your Ele<:tions , to !Gokew1th a fingf(} .eye ro the Oftthbywhkh you ought tobee gui"' 1 ded; doe nothing f0r feare or f.1vourof men, ~r· ·1for a~y fini{\cr ·ref~t"t: .I·w·ifh i ·could:rpea-ke landgive this rule to all the·Parliament times .; for it is ar!,errom.amcmg men to . 'tbirik,\that ip:~Ietl.ioo 0fBt1rge:ifcs oranypthers ·l_t'hat may plc_afure· their f~icnds,: ?r-themfeTVd, · ., by having th1sor that eye tnthcii'O\vnc advantage or difadvantage rhac may arife from it; · where~;:t_beyough_ttokeepe mind~~· fingle and free .from all refpects .; fo ,that when they c;ome tochoofe, theymight choofe h,im, whom in thdr ownc confciences, and in .the fight or . : God, they thinke lic.te!l: for the place; and that ~OU may doe fo~ you are• tOset~ lingle ahd' ajfm: . p/ehearttodoetr. ,, ·' · · · ·· ...... - 3 If rherehee in Go n this ftmplhity thlt we Pfo~ ~· have declared to you,. then goe. eo fi itn upon Goe t~G.9c\ . all occalions; goe not to rbe ftrearrte :J n--ae nor 1 rhather than I . ,, .o . . 1 t ecreatt,lrc!, to t.le creatures, whtch have what they h._ve : hebeing merbut byderivationand participation. b(tt g'" be to . ~ie, wifedome h" · h h h 11 h h h . ' · , 1t felfe,& Lm ' · t at . at ·a t ~t ee ath nat'l1rally, and I rearo~~fthe _abu??~r_wty, 'I}.q~ ijJa.rmgty, .as they have, th~r . ~~pli~•cy that hraYr:lf ·qcy,p~rtJfJpa~tQm!. c;As ;Wh~n a1na:n~is iti ·" "' h!m. a~y mi~erab1econdition;wlierein hedeftres me;~ Mcrr,y~ ; &te, and~ouldbee refpe?ted and relieve-d, what E e z wilt u· -------~--~~~~--~~~~~~- ... .