Preston - BT100 P8 1634

I . I 1 l - . -- • """"f'"' -~JJt ho~· QOe in.this cafe ? Wilt thougoe toa ~ealte man,and have.him to·p'ittie_ ih7~? .N:o,goe to the£.;0 o, mwhom-there rs 'rn·ercic it felfe. ·:Amongft-men, -bee ~hat ·1s 'the'fullefl: of pitty, hee .hathbut a Jlreame of it, a drop 'of it, .therefore feeke:not fo much .to him; no, riot to ,. paFents, their_pitty falls infinitely fhdrt of what js in ·GOJ) ; .remember,t~at hee is mercy it felfe; ·. thatis, .. rhou1halt finde infinit~ly mdre mer'cie · in ~irn~, than can be fa id to be in man·: the moil: .that canpe.faid·ofman, is,that hee is tnercifull. b~.t t.ha.c whic}f~n be faid·. of G 0 D is, that th~ ·simile. · y.ery thing itfelfe is there. If you have a fir'e-:– brand, and light it by the fire, it is fomethin·g ; but fire·itfelfe isano'therthing: man,heehatb.a littl.e r:nfrcie; ·. but if'you goe t<? G o Ii,~H~ ha't)J a Sea Qf.mercie,~and bee is never dry• .Therefore . whatfocvcir tliy-miferic or difl:reffe be,w.hetlie'rof ' .~onfcjence or~ell:ate , be fi1re that thol1 goe to Go.~,andfay tohim; If eviJI parentscanbe fo theirch_ildre11; wh~n th,ey·aske it of them, what then fhall I have ofhim)rhat is me1-' 1• '-'•. de it felfe ? M~tth.7. 1 I . So likewife for wife- . ~ d.ome; if thou haft a doubtfull cafe,and knowelt Wif~~C.·· · np~ wll~t ,te doe, thou goefl: to thy friends, . ,, (whkh in..-Ieed·isa goodmeanes,andought not • -r. ~· ..· ~ ~ i.o. be. nc;gl~d:ed, for. in.the multitude~~ counft!lthere -· ·' it peace:·) Jntt remember this, that there is but .. , " · :.- a I.itt!~ wifet!ome·in -~~em , :ahd .~heref.9te· !hey ·.J·u · · . wjllc~~a-feUtthdehuta .Jittle'?:.btl~· gqe~t6 .G o o, that iswifedome·it felfe; Pf'Ofj. 8 ~ Goe to him, . • l'r~ .a. for beewill gi~e thee wiftdom~ libetally. ,"ttnd P,ith- ~' out, '