Preston - BT100 P8 1634

' · ' ~ > J The Simplicity Of Go De . J 6 9 our reproath, /ANJ. I. 5.tl1inkeofhim,d1at he is'the Jam. •· r· fountaine ofw,lfdome, and fu1ndfe it fe~fc. So if! . . thou needell: grace, thou wouldell: fame have ; more, thou wouldeft have thy faith .ft:rcngthe- Grace. ·ned, and thy love andzealc more fervent, goe to Chrifi then, from whom wee recei?Je grace, for grMe, who is made to uJ wi[edome, fanE1ificatiD1t, and t'edemption; goe toGod that is grace it felfe. Gee not to men; for what theyhave, they have it from him; therefore looke upon all occafions, that thougoefi to theLord: when thou wantell: comfort, goe not to thy pleafure; and fporrs, and. fnends, and acquaintance, but goe to6ed that is :thegreat G o D ofHeaven andEarth, that bath it in him. abundantly ; and in him thou : fhalt find more abundance, than inanyman or creature in the world. THE _,