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. - -ThAI Gon u. the force of thofe argumerits,and thence we may conclude, that there is aGod, befides the argu– ments of, that weehave to teveale it. For, though I faid before, that DiviiHtywas re– vealedby theHoly Ghofl, yet there is tliis .diffe.. rence irt the poitus ofTheDI~j}e: Some truths are wholly revealed, and have hd ft>ot-fi:eps in the · creaturs,noptinu in the cteation,orin theworks of Gel. todif€erne thelll by, and fuch areall the myfteries oftheGo[ptl, .and of the Trinitie: O– ther truths there are, that have fotne 1Jtflitht , fotne Charaaers ftamped upon the creature whetcby wemay difcerne them, and fuch is this .vbichwenowhave inhand, ·that, There i1• G1d. 1 Thankcre Thtreft>rewewill fhew you thefe two tliings: iuW r How it is manifeafrom the creation. · ~ How this poinr is evident to youby faith. 3 A third'thi_ng I will adde, that this Gou w~omweworfhip, is the onely true G1d. , -Now for the firft, to explicate this, that, The priwer and Gdd-he~td ii feen in thecrtAtisnDfthew~rld. J . ; . . Befides thofe Dcmonfirations elfe-where Seelhfft,fbk h dl . d d fi h C . . , Dtlll111/lrtziW111{ an e , rawn~ rorn t e re~tontn generall, )htDtil] intbc ·as from : , btginn1ng. 1 The fweet c?nfent and harm6ny ihecreatures·haveamong themlelves. . ' 2 The fitneffe and proportion of one· unto another: · 3 From the reafonab-Ie ad: ions ofcreatures,in . tliemfelves t>Inreafonabie. ~ The great and ·orderl1 provilion that is , made for aUthings. ' B. 3 _ ---· 5 The •