Preston - BT100 P8 1634

8 s Beeaufc eJre the creature• dlouldbcc god.. J 1 Elfe tht~ erea·· ' cures fhoulcl he without .caufca. Tbat6oou. - (i:lr i~ ish~ ~J1~~ m~~~~ it. And this is the tit~ par-. . ticuJ~r by ~bip~ ~~ prov~ that things- were tp.C\~F ~n~ ~~d. mt their originall from thcmf~lyes. TbC!t f~~qg4 i~! · · . · ~f thiflgs w~t~ llQt miJdc., then it is ccrtaine 1. t~~~ t~<fY m.uft have a \?eing from tQ.emfclves :< Now tohave~being from it felf~,is narhing eW!· bu~ ~Q ~eGo~: for it i~ 3-ll infapa.tabJe propertie qfG1~t9havehis beingfrqmhim_felfe. Now if. yo~ will a~kno\Yleqge, that the creatures had a· be~p,g Qfthemfelve~, they mull needs beeGoat; fqr i~ belQngs tQ him alone, tohave~b.eingQf himf~lf~~an<;i fromhimfel~e. The third follows, whic-h l ~ould hav~ you tomarke. I f~~ings ~~~ing ftom themfelves, it is ~ertai~~ thentn~t they a.r~ without aufes; as (or examp\e; Th,~t which bath. no efficient caufe, (that is) 110 m~~er) th~thath nocod. Lnoke ap- · on all the worke§ qta<}~ byma.n(thatwemay~xprdfe it toyou_;) t~k~ anhoufe., o.r anyw<;>rkr.,.or · intlru{\1ent that man makes ; therefore it bath an end,bccaufe he that made it,propounded fuch an end to himfelf{; ~ but ifit have nomak(fr, it can have no end-: for the en.d of a"ny thing is that· which the maker aimes at; now if thiAgs have noend, theycould have no forme: for the forme and falhio:Aofevery thingarifethonly. from the· end,which themaker prop~nds t.o himfelfe; a5 for~xa:mple, thereafon, whya knifenath fitch a fa.(hjon,is beca~1e it was the endofthe·maker,to· . hav~:it aninftrument tocutwith: thel'fafon why an·a;xe orhatchet. hathanotberfafuion,is,becaufe it