The lnfiniteneffe, And . you confiderhowgreat aGo o he is,youwill fee great r~afon whyyou lhould love him thus Jl!ith t~!lyourflrength. Therefore we fhould r.hecke our felves,when we fee the dulneffe ofour bearts,how readie and how apt weare to beftow our love up– on any befides him; wee fhould obferve all thofe rivolets,whereinourlovegoesour, and whereby our foules runne to other things, and bring them · . backe againe into the right channell : For ifyou confider thegrelf.tne.ff'e of Go D, you will fee, that tbere is no love to fpare. But maywenotlovehim)and loveother things alfo? ~ Obje£1. Anfw. The loTe of other things Cubordinate eo the love of God. I }eb,'J,,If. . lames·-t• 4. You cannot with a cq-ordin#e, but ·with a fuhordinAte love you may ; that is, you cannot love him and theworld,forthey are oppofed. I Ioh.2. 1 5. Love 1JOt the world, neither thethingsofth~~or/d ~ ifanyman love the"'orld, the love 1[the FAther unot in him. So lam.4·4· Knowyenot,thatthefriendfhipof thewer!d ue.nmitiewith G9dl wk~foeverthereforewiU he A friend of the rrorld, i! An enemie to God. All our lovemull: be befiowed upon him,a! mofhvonhy of it : there is not one particle to be beftowed upon any other thing. But then he gives us our love againe, and then we maydifpofeof it hereand there,according to his will. As for example: bee bath commanded th~e to love father, and mother, and friends; m1ti the ground that thou art to doe it upon is,becaufe he bath commanded thee,and gives thee leave to doe it: Onely he bath put narurall afFedion into thee>that thou mayftdoe it more readily. , So