Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Greatnef!e ef Go D • So ke hatb given thee leave to love recreatij ons and other things that are futable toourde- /;;, fires, but you muft remember, that the end .is that you may bee made more ferviceable,. · · him, to qi.1icken and firengthen you to do is fervice, and thus it maybebeftoweduponother things. I But that which we have inhand, and com– mend to your cmdideration is this ; that ifhee befoexceedinggreat in goodne£fe, then hee de· ferves thy whole love. 1 f:or. 16. 21. •.1fAnymt~n love n~t the Lord Jefus Chrift:, let him hee AutI ~fr·)~~s; h h l I ~ h • ..1:/ '\• t em11 Mar;~,nat a. Pau comes wtt tn~ngnatl'- on,-contldering thegreat good that I~fos chrijl haddonefor them; ifany man lovenot him, ht:e is worthy to perifh, let himbe accuin' edeven to deatk. l fay, if wee confider thegre tneffe that is in him, you iliall fee fome reafon./for that in– dignationof the Apotl:Ie, and that dufe riere~ byheexpre!feth it; and fo farre as we fall fhort ofottr loveh~rein, \Ve lhouldgoe toehriH, and hefeechhim tomake it up, that fo obr defeas maybe fupplyed,and that weemaybe\~cepted in him. Againe, ifhee be (o greAt, then wee · o~;dd Iearne to reverence him., to ~ome before"blm withmuch feare, when wee performeanyd~y t•~m. ·According as a man is great, fo wee fearehim. This afeis made ofit inMAl. I .14. Curfecl ~e the deceiver, that bath inhiJjlocke 4- male, . il-nd veweth and [Mrijiceth to the J L.rd 11 corrupt 1 thing :for I ;~,m A gre;~,t King, faith the L~rJ of \\ ( / ~ Kk Holls· L' \ ; ;;;= ') ~ (, ' ·y