1 ~ f i . . \ 1 • 1 The Injinitene!Je ofhu Prtfince; hofis ; 11-nd myname is dreadful/ ameng4/lNations: . that is the reafon,that·the LordthereufetlLto 1Hr them uP.,! am agreat King.Sochat thetonlidera~ tion ~fhisgrea.tnef!e {ho~ld caufe us to-fearc ~efmehtm. . · · Whenhe.lppe.aredto/MoP, whenbefled from his fathers houfe tohis uncleLaban, Gen.l8.17;. Iac(Jh faithofthe place wherein G1d ·appeared to him, sure? thisplace isexceedingfearefilll:~and the reafonw-as becaufe G;d ·appeared there,·becaufe bee was prefent then~·3 for his prefence fhoke himwith fttchan awefull 'reverence,that he faid . theplace was-exceedingfearefull. Sowee fhouiJ : thmkeofhis dreadfull prefence whenweecome beforehim : Ecc/ef. 5. 2. JJ enBt rafh'with·thymouth, and let · n9t thir:e heArt he hafly t{) utter~nything /Je– f11'e,God; for God is in heavtr~; ~nd thou fn earth, thtrfore let thyJrortls hefe~: that is,he is exceeding , great) and bee is in bea-cen, t~erefore learne to feare him, w-htnyou titaw nighuntohim. ~mv · thatwhichmayhelpc us in this~ is to confider – howglorious !iis apparitions we~,wh0nhe ap- 'peared to Moft.r, to the Ptophets,·as Eliah and·· Ez.ekiel: and you muft/remember, that though you fte not fucb apparitions, yet·confider diat· 'you h41ve the fame GtJi. to deale w-ithall; and ·rhomghheclothnot manifeft hirnfelf{o now,yet · heis-asgreat nowas then;and thereforefeare-bt! 4 .forehim. And this is to fanE!ifie God bi ot~r heartJ ; 'whenweconceive ofhim as he is,andaccordingly feare, when wecome beforehi~~ - And thus :_much iri generall ofthis Attribute.- , ~ N~ '·