Or,Hu lmmenfitie. 147 N~w this greatneJ[e ofGod is feene in fi:>ure particulars : . . " Firft .I.n the lnjinttenejfe ofhu Pre[ence. - 1 : Sec~ndly; ·In the Inflnitenej!e of his P~~er, z which is his Omnipotence. _ , Thirdly, In the JnjinitenejfeofhuWiftd.Dme. 3 · Fourthly, In theAofolutenejfeofhiswill) that it 4 ~is-without all bounds and limits. THE SEVENTH AT~, TRlBVTE OF GOD; rhe Infinittneffe of hi! prefenc41 Or , · His ImmenfitJ· · ~~§~Or the firft. The lnftnitene{le ofhii prefence is another Attributewhich he takes tohimfelfe inScriptu·re; As Jer. 2 3. 2-4-. Can any man hide t'«::fl~~ himfelfe in [ecret tlaces, that 1 fha/1 not fee him, foith the Lordt Doe not [_ftllheaven and 4nd earth, faith the Lord t That is, hee is prefent everywhere, in all the parts ofheaven and earth, -even as water when it .fills every channdl, The feventh attribute of Goel; The ln/initentfle ofhis prefonu , ; Or hnimmenfi· · tit. ' Jer•"J·~•· ·and as the light when it fbines throughout the whole 'world : So, Doe not l fill hea1.:enttnd earth, . Kk 2 faith ----