Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Thllt G0 D "· it might be an infirum~nt toch~pwith; andt~ reafonwhya ke·ybath another fafhion 4iffereut from thefe,is, becaufe the~~kerEtopounded to himfelfeanother end inmakiogofit; namely ~o open lockeswith ; tbefe ate all m<Jde ofthe fame .matter, that is, ofiron, hut thoy have d~y_ws fa,– fhions, becaufe they have fevcmdl ends, which 1 the maker propound$ tohitnfelf~Sotha;t,ifthcre be noends ofthings, then~ is .no, forme, nor fa– lhionofthem,booaufe the groundof~U their fa– fuions, is their feverall end. So then, we will put them all togeth~r; iftherebenoeflicient,no-. maker ofthem,then there-isnocncl, and'ifthere · beno·tnd,then there isnG forme ~orJa(bion.,~nd 11(}, fo.rme,tben there is no. matter, and . fo confeqwently, they havenocaufe; and that · which iswithout anyeaufc, muane~sbee God, which I amfure none dares.a.flirme; and there– fore they have not their being af themfelves.– Butbefides that: negativeargumeot,bybringing : it toan impoffibility, that thecreatures,fhould' : be G()at~ we willmake it plainebyan affit~mative · argument,tha·t all the creatures have an end~- For looke upon all thecrearures, and we ffiall A·tt· r. h . d . . · · . creatures 1ee that t eyhavean en ; theendof theSunne, . have an .cncl~ M0one and Sta'rres is, to fer~_e the Earth ; and!1 the end.ofthe E:arth_is,ro bring forth Plants,and; : ·theend'0fPiants feed'tbe bea{ls :andfo if yot•1eoke to all particular things· elfe, you ·ffiaW fett that theyhave an ~d,and ! ifthey have·an end; · itis certaine; .thereis one did ayme at it) an,Vdid! . · giYe thofCcrcatur.sthofe_feverall fa£hions,which · , tliofe