~----------~~~---~~~~-------- · ~~--•- 48_ The lnftnitenejJe of·hu Preftnce; f.At(w~ tso• without the: world as well as inh. I !.. C'hrcn. ~. 6, 7{~ afim I: Gildof an in~ fiaico dfence, · therfiOre ofan infinite prc,. knee.. I ' [4i~h the ~otd ?.SoEph. 4··6. One Gcd.and Fathtr of ~11, who t! ab()'t)e all, and through all, and in )fJU alt. Ged nlis all.in all .. Only this quefiionmaybe asked, whether11ee bewithout theworld,as welas he is in the world?· Becaufe fome have difputed it,_tberefor_e I will aflfwcr it inawora~. . The Scripture isclearein ir, that be is with– out then·orld; there are no Hmits ofhis effence,. that wee c.an fet downe; bee is not containeQ.. within thecompaffeofheaveo and earth, as yon lhaH fee in ~ Chron. 2. 6. But f1'ho iJ able to build. him an houfe, {eeing the heaven of heavenJ·ct:14nbt containe him~ But this is bt1ta curious quefi!on; . ·rherefore I will leave it; and will come to fhe~v . the reaRms of his cmnipreftnce, why nee is .im– menfe, why liee is everywhere,as I have done in the reft. . :r- Tnis property or Attribute ofimmenfitymuft· needs be given to God, becaufe his effence is infi– nite, whieh bath bee;>ne befGre proved~ Now as theargument holdsgoe>d, tl1ata-ceording to the fitbfrance of every thing, fuch muft the quanti– tyb€ in things that havequantity; as ifdie hody be great, accordingly muft the quantity l:>e : So , ifGodbe an infinite·effence, (as he is) there isas ~ood reafon that hee fbou Id havean infinitepre.;. 1cnce ac<!ompanyiAg it,as chat a great body bath ~quantityanfwerab!e to it: So then feeing h~ is ofan .infinite be-ing, therefore aJfu of an infinite · prefence. ' · j·· 2 Againe,you feebyexpe~ienee;and ·cannotde:.. ny I