Preston - BT100 P8 1634

\ - Or, Hu Imme~jitie• .ny it,that his powe.r is everywhere, he guideS all Becaufo hi's -things, bee puts forth his power every where. ~~~;;,is every ~Now, fee ing in God there is no facmlty , as is in ·man. butwhatfoever is in him, is himfelfe j it -cann~t be, but thathe himfelfe mull: be in every · placewhere he cloth any thing. The fir.e may -lleat afarre off, and the Sunne can give light to thewholeWorld, though it ab ides in the firma– ·ment;becaufe it bath an inherent quality ofhear, and light: But Almighty GoD is moft fimple, there is no compofition in him, no qualitie, no exeeutive power,but hee is himfelfe,what hee is; and therefore what bee cloth, is donebyhimfelfe · immediately,immediatiane[uppejiti,asthe School- - I men expreffe it. Lafily, I adde, that Go o muft be every where 'l{ettfon 3. ·trefent ,· not onely within theWorld, but as Sa- Becaufeheis · able to make ' , omtmexpreifeth it, The Heaven of HeavenJ cannet otherWorlds. :containe him: that is,'be is without the \Vorld as . · .well as within it; becaufewecannot deny, but . that he is able tG> make other W well as this : and then, if 'bee fuould not be without this World , bee lhould move himfelfe, and change his place ; or there lhou]d be a World _where bee is not prefent: but bee is not capable of any change, ..of any mot.ion or alteradol'! of ·place. Onely 011(! cautionmull: be taken in ~ You fee A'Caudon that th~. Lig'ht is in man¥ places throughout the World; butthe pref~nceof Go D is not liketo th~t prefence, or the prefence of any creature, becaufe bee is totally prefent: the creatures are Kk 3 not concerning Gods omni· prefencc.