/·-•_so_ " The lnfiniteneffoOfbuPreftnce; not fo, but according tO· the parts of them, one · pa:r here,another there 5 but Godbeingwith0ut ail parts, where~o~ver hee is, bee mull: be·.totally there. Hence It ts, that you muft·not conceive Gud is cornmenfurated by the place,as if he were partlyhere,andpanly inanotherplace, for bee is. every where aU prefent. The Heavens you fee I1ave a large place, but theyhave one part here, another there; it is not fo with God, for he is to-– 'tallyprefent,whereloever he is prefent. 'P"fo r; Firft,.If God.beeverywhere pr~fent, fo that Be· He governcs doth not doe ~my tl1ing bya media·tc vertue or the world im• - b · d· I b h r. f 1 ' mediately; p·ower, U-t tmme late y · y t e prerence 0 liS which i.s a reeffence; hencewe gather) firfi, that he gm··erncs medy agaif.l£\ the World immediately: For though there be the complaint h of evil Gover· men ufed t · erc:in,yet he is himfelfc prefent with n..ours.. thofe rneanes. Other Kings muilnceds governe byDept1ties.and Vice-royes, and·inferiour Ma– gifhate~ ofIufiice,becaufe they them!elves can. not be every where;-whence it comes to paliC, that Kings may begood,and yet the peoplemay be oppreffed b¥ their wicked infiruments •. But with theLord it is not fo; for heei?;ttidcs imme– diatcly, and being everywl1ereprefent, bee nee– deth no Deputies; neither is be capable ofinfor– mation, as Kings arc, but fees all with his owne ·eyes, and be;1res all with his owne cares. And againe,he ufeth no Deputies; f6r t~e ufe ofDe-. puties argues a defetf)as the ufing ofSpectacles. o.r Crutches doth 5·~ i[tho.eycs or lcgges were· well, and found enough, a man would -not ufc .· t.hem.: (o a m_anwould,not writeLetters, orufe· other