·Or, His ltnmenjitie. other meanes to doe his buftne!fe, 1f therewere no defe& in him,or hewere large enoug~ tOdoe · his bufineffe immediately: But Almightie God is every where prefent, and in his governing, all things are done by his owne A lmightie power. GQod Governots mayhave wicked inftruments, contrary to their mindes, whieh theyknow not of, as Eli and S~t>muel had ; but inGods Govern– ment ·it is not fo : therefore learne from hence, not to complaine of the iniquitie of the ·times, or the injuf.l:ice of men. It is true, that a kinde Mother may ignorantly put-her Childe to a vvic. ked Nurfe, thatwilfabufeit; but Go n never puts any of his Children toNurfe, but he is pre- . fent with them, his Government is immediate; Therefore that which is fa id ofD ~11id,he isamlln JJfter GodJ owne heart, maybe faid of every King and Governour; they doe what GoD 'tvould have them to doe, (though it be forevill,as DA– vidJ was f6r good) they are menafter GodJ ~wne heart: fo we fee it was in the killing of I E s r s CH B 1sT, even that it is faid to be done.iiy the determi1Jtzte Counfellof God. And therefore let ne man complaine of his Government ; for G o D governes not by Deputies , but by himfelfe: neither let any man fay, that he bath an evill Mall:er, or Governour ~ but let him acknow– ledge, thatwhatfoever be hath from man ,.it is the worke of the Almightie GoD, wllo is every · where prefent: it is bee that difpofcth of men, and puts them into fuch a condition . for bee is the King ofHeaven and Earth. The:eforecomKk 4 plaine ------ ;