15:t. · The Injiniteneffo ofhil Prifence; I plaine to him, and be patient, becaufe heehath 7 done it ; doe notcomplaine of men, and fret a– ~ainft them,feeing.theLordis never abfent inhis Kingdome, but is prefet~t to guideand difpofe · themeaue~ according tohis owne ple4fure. !7ft :k Secondly, If Go o be every where prefent in Therefore to his owne effence and perfon,we fhould the rather · ch?f~ hi~l,and . chufe him to be our <J(.·d, and rejoyce much in reJoyce mh.m h I n . f · fc • h as a friend in t · e amp eneue o our porr10n ,. eemg wee ave allpl~'es. fuch aGod tWtt is every where: Wee can goe no · whither, but wee have his company; wee have nothi·ng to doe a thoufand miles hence, but bee . is: there , and profpers our- bufin~!fe unto us.. · Wee feeke a multitude of friends, becaufe one · cannot·doe all ; b~caufe one dorh ·one thing, and atmther, another; one friend may beacom– fort to us in one place~ but if you come to ano– ther place, there you may be defiitute ; friends . cannot l;>e every where, therefi:>re wee fl:and in . need of rnany: But ifyou looke upon theLord, . ·. and his otmti-prefence,.all'thisis fupplyecl inhim; . ( t'' ! , b~ is in every place, and bee can doe your bufi- · nelfes for you, though you be dilhmt from the · place wherethey are to be done. Befides:,God is· with you everywhere; whither thou goefi:, hee ·goes;as itwas his promife to /acob~when -hewent toPadan·Aram; 1wi!Ibewith thee-, faith the L9rd• . So bee faid to David; and when Ivftphw-ent into ·, Prifon, the L'(}rd We'Ot withhim : when1braham was caUed out of his Cbuntrey, the Lord bid · him to goe; I wiUl;e with thee. Belove'cl ,·when you confider. this ; that.G o·o is e\tety where prefenr~ . ...