Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Or,Hu Immenfitie. · prefent, and can doe ev_ery thing for you,~here~y he bath the fwectneife qf a thoufand.fttends tn him, and the abilitie of as many; I fay, when , weeconfider this, it fhould teach us not onely to be content, .bur. t0 fay, that wee de fire ao · more. ~ Learne theretd're to fludie this Attribute; foi To fti.idie Gods \l immentitie• i . t ! f ./ the more wee know himby it, the more comfort wee gather from it. As, Is it not matter ofgreat c~mfort, that in all places wee thonl~ h~ve a · . ,G 0 o todoeallourbafin'effes? Towhichpmr- ..pofe is rhatexpreffion in Iir.13. zj , ~4· Heir xer,.:a.3 ·13,t4• · a God nighat hand: that is, though your buftneffe lye in otherCountries , yet lam there to · doe them for you • . .And againe , Is it not comfort to confider that he is prefent with your ene– mies,though (it may be) they be a gre-at wayoff? for you thinke; that ifyouwere there,you would have fomething to prevent them. Confiderthat hee is there, and after another manner than any ·~ · ina'n is ; bee. is prefen t with their mindes , and knowes their counfels, and mGves their hearts, and difpofedi'of all their en.terprifes: As Elifba ' told the King of Aram.rcounf~ll to the King of Ifrad, thereby frufiratiog all his plots and pro-· jc6ts.: So alfo hee is prefent with thy friends, when th~y areab~ent; innfly be -that they forget us, yet hee can 'fti~re them up, as heedid fl:ifre up .. Cyrm- to doe what ·hee did· for the people of lfrael/ Solike~ife bee is prefentwith ourchil– .clren, when-wee are gone ·out of this World, !0- p~ov1de;,£or.<them, and to bring ~them up. Ire>.· I l i· I I ! l l. l J ! .I ·I·. I I ,.