Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Yfo 3: 'I'bt lnjiniteneffe ofhiJ Prifence; _ He is prefent withallomaffaires,and bufineifes: whenwee are abfent, and knmv not how thincrs goe,we are apt to be foilidcous; but ifwe would confider, that hee is agreat God, and that bee iJ / every where, this iliouldcomfortus,and fiay our hearts. AQd therefore_ thinkewi!h thy felfe, that thou hail: a large portion, becaufe thou hall: the · Lqrd. And this is thefecondVfe. See a ground of his p:uticu• lar providence in the fmalle4 thin ss. Thirdly, If God be every where prefent, hence you may fee a grotmd for his particular provi– dence. It fecmes fometbing ftrange to men, that every fmall thing fhould be difpofed of by him; wee thinke indeed that great things are, but for the leaft things, therein wee arc apt to makeadoubt;and can hardly beleeve it. Btlt this point in hand isa .great confirmation ofoarfaith in this truth. Ifa Horfe ftumbleby theway,wee thinke it a common accident; ifaFly fall into a mans eye, orifa Tile fall offfrom the houfe, or an Axe head,wee looke upon thern as common accidents; but ifwee did confider that he is pre– fent there, it were then an eafie matter for us to beleeve, that God doth difpofe all thefe: when the Axe head falls otf, it is in his hand,as before it was in the band of the workman. Nmv ifhe be prefent with every fmall creatul'e, \Vithevery Fly, with every Sparr~"' and Stone,with everymotion ofd1ecreature; then all the a&ions that befall us, theyare all his workes : Inhimwee live, move, ~tnd haveourbeing ; that is, hee is prefent with every creature: Therefore it is no difficultie to belceve, that he guides the fmalle!l thing. Ifan enemy