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Or,His lmmen6tie. :enemyhur.t us,wee arc to thinkcjtbat he is but as a flaffe iJJ Geds htmd, as it is fa idof Nebttchadnez,.. zar. Every acciqent is but as aCup; and as Chrifl faithof the Cup that was b,rought to-him, Shttfl nt~t 1drinke of the Cup n'hich my Father gi'l.·es me t .fo wee may fayofeveryaffliction. The tongues of rr.en are but fcourgcs in his hand; andthough .. lame..r faith, l'Vone can tame and rule the tongtt·e of . .; ,man; yet he can ruie•them .as he pleafeth: and {o ~ .wee lhould thinke of every other atlion. And inqeed, the more wee thinke of his rarticular .... . providence, the more wee conceive of his irfi- . . '· · nitenejfe: For why doe wee thinke men to bee prefent; but·beaaufe they fee and heare; be– caufe they doe foinething? Ifthebodybe there-, and the {oule gone,, wee fay that the man is -abfent :it is the ad: ion that fhewes them prefent. Therefore the Schoolemen fay , that the An– gels are faid to bee prefent here or there, be– ~aufe rbey worke there , : In like manner;, the2 more that we can fee Gods hand in every acti– on, the more wee acknowledge his prefence~ Hence .wee fhould labour w be abundant in -conlidering theOmniprefence ofGodupon ail oc:.. caftans= as if a. man bee out of the way, and oae comeand teJls him that he is fo, .we iliould beready to fay,_ that Gcd fent him. lfw-ee Me ina·flrait, and knovv not what to -doe, and there· come ene, at1d· helpe us; we {hould fay that it comes from God•. So did Da'L:id, .. when Abigail came and met him; he faith, tha-e-the Lo,;:, t :.. Sam~. ~ 5·p· 3 2·.. . Ar.J-this -wouiGl eaGly 155 Howm·enarc · faid tobep.rei– fwt. rSttm1zs:n,~ ·r .,