--·---~-·--- Y[e 4· It tuches us patience,and meekcneffe, when inJuries arc: Qfferc:d. Phit.4. ·f· Jam, f •. s. ' ' Th~ lnjinitenefle ofhu Preftnce ; ·- - - ----- -- ---- eafily be beleeved, ifwee would thinke that bee is prefent every where. There is no man that fpeakes for us, or againfl: us, that cloth us either hurt or good, but Go o is prefent with him,/and flirres him up toit,whatfoever it be. I .Chron.). · z6. it is faid, And the God of Ifrael.flirred up the ' JPirit of Pul,King sf AjJyria, &c. that is, he him– felfe was prefent with his fpirit, bee flirred him up : (for the thoughts of· men have their ri– ftng up, from their fpirit fiirring them to good · or evill.) So alfo for their fpeeches ; wi·H~nf shimei curfed David, David faith, that it was the Lord that bade him. So then theLord is pre– fentwith the creatures; it is be that a6h inthe~, and fets them on worke, to doe us any good. And this is the next ufe that wee are to make of it. Fourthly, If GoD be _prefcnt every where, it fhould teach us patienie,and meekenelfe,and quiecneffe ofminde in all injuries.and hard mea– furewhichweefutferfrom men.. This ufe you {hall fee made of it, Phi/·4·'5. LetJ9Ur moderation he knowneuntoaUmen, The Lord ifathand.. I am. 5. 8, 9.. Be ye alfo patient,ftablifh your hearts; for the comming ofthe Lord dr&treth nigh, the Judge JlandJ at thcdoore. Therefore, when any injurie is dCi>ne you, when you are Gppreffed bymen that have power over you)yet be quiet; for G,JdJees it,and knowes it, and hee rakes care for you. ~ A man will be readie to fay; Shall I take this ? fhall I be trampled under foot? as I lball be, if I re· fifl: them not: ·Saith the Apoftle: You need not to