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Or,His lmmen#tie. tD. feare,for theLordis prefent. Wee ufe to fay, if ,the Magifirate be not prefent; wemayoffenda– nother, w defend our felves; but ifthe Magi1-57 .{hatebeprefent, no excufe : fo here the I udge.ftands at-the doore. Servants,iftheir Mafiers Jamts. S· 6. be abfent, will qefend themfelves againft their fellow-ferv~nts; hut ifthe Matter be there, and lookeen, ·they will let themalooe; becaufehee bath power-to punilh,and knowas better how to revenge therwrongs :-So is it in this cafe; when we confider that Gqd is prefent, and that bee fees · what we fuffer, wee fuouldbe quiet, andpatient) and not onlybe patient, but let ourpatient mindes bee kr.owne unto aft men; that is, carryour {elves fo, .that men may fee it, ,amd takenotice · ofit. And ifyou fay, that nothing is done, hl'lt · hee abufeth mee more and more : I anfwer, Co.nfider,it is not becaufe theLordis weake, and cannot h•Ipeus; orbecaufe he isnegligent,and will not doe it~ no, bee is prefent and fees it all 'thewhile: but youmuft confi<der, that the due , time is not come, therefore you muft be 'quier, : and not tumultuous in your thoughts, and re– vengefull in your fpirits, becaufe theLordIo0ks Objerl. .Anfw. Why 6oddoth netavenge his prcfemly, on, and will avenge you in due time. The.refore this is the thing added inPhi!. 4· Jn nothing Phi~ ... hee carefull :· Becaufe when a man fuffers- any th icg fwm another man, then heewill be ready tobee follicitous., how to defend himfelfe, and whathee fhall doe hereafter; ·faith the Apoil:Ie, Be you in nothing careful!, &c. for the Lord is at , hand: ·;