Preston - BT100 P8 1634

THE SEVENTEENTH S-RltM·ON. Exo DV s J·•13 -, t+ _ _1 j ..A'ndM·ojes~idunto Go D; 1Jehold, when, · 1come unto tb,-Childrensflfrael, and [ball : fa:~wto them; T/n,G -oo -ofpour Fathers bath [mt muunto!jfJU, and .thtJ (ball (tJ7 unto me , hU. Name -? -whae fballl · fa:J unto them? / 1-4- AndGonf11id,unto MofC~,l AMTaAT· I A. M, .tic G • • Ga~ne,- ifGedh.eeprefentwith u~ r{e ~· ~ thts lbould fhrreus u'p to -walke TowalkcwitW ' withllim,tobeprefentwithhim~ ~od·--· Shall hebe prefentwithus,where " foever we are· -wheawee croe by h ) b . t eway,orlye in our beds, or fttin our boufes ? •lnd-fhall not we.take.notice ofhis p:refence,-.and ' . d tr.e£t··.