t6o f The Infinitenef!e ofhiJ fPrtJenc~; .· l diref:t our thoughts tohim, and apply ourfelves to him?It is aa exceedinggre.atdifhonortohim· for youknow a great man, when he iswid1 yoJ, ifyou negleet him,and applyyour felvesto infe. riour men, he w'ill takt;it as a,great wrong dene untohim, to let him tit alone, and lJOt to regard him : So how can the Lord.chufebut beangry, when he is withus:>and we will not take notice of Objef]. ~nfw. Towalkewith God, what. Amanspre~ fence is feenc in3. things. I . 3 And fo is tJods witb u,, anc:l ours with bim. ·him?Let them confider this,that fuffer dayes to paffe without anycalling upon theLard, that ne– ver thinkofhim,nor confider that he behelds all that rhey doe: Yott know, it was the onelycommendationofEnoch, that he wAlkedwith God. Bat youwill fay, What is tkis to walke with theLt~rdt It is to fee l1irn prefent withus, and to ma.K:e · o~r (elves prefent withhim: a.-dwhat tha~ is, we will eafily .find out, whenwee confiderwhat it is tobeprefeflt withanyone. . The prefence of any man is feene in tkree things: · Fir£1, Aman that fees and heares all things . that .wedoe, he is faid to be prefent. Secondly, he that fpeakes tous, bee is·prefent withus. · , Thirdly, bee thatacb or cloth {omething a– bout us or towards us, hee is prcfent. In thi; manner is Go n prefent with us : and fo wee fuould eewithhim. - How we are Firfi, wee muil: be prefent with him, that is, prcfent with we mufr fee him, as be fees us. Hee tha.t lookes God, h ' 1 • upon .the Lord, as beholding im~ as knowing Byfeeing him. all