Preston - BT100 P8 1634

·------- ---- - ·- - --·--- ...-· . _ __ _ ... lOr, His l~tr~~tie. 161 i ~-- I all that bee cloth, hee that obferves all the par:. fagcs flf his providence tol\'ard him, an~ about him, hee makes birnfclfe prefent wtth the Lord. ·Secondly, bee that to the Lerd, and 2 t maketh knowne his fecrets to him , and onens By fl,)eaking to f hi!;!l. to him all his defires, and all his griefes upon all occaftens, hee makes himfelfe prefent with h~~ . Thirdly, heethat pleafethGed in all his aeti- .3 ons,and dothw'hat is acceptable to him,~hat cloth 1 ~l;a~;i~:~~~:twhat hee hath co~lmanded, a~d abHames fr?m 1 him. · whttt hehath forb1dden, hewh1ch bel,aves h1m- · fclfe after this manner makes himfelfe prefent with theLord. This lafl: youmaymore plaiuely ' perceive,ifyou compare that in Genejis, ofEnochs walkingwith God,with that inHeb.1 1.5. To make ! Hef?.u. f . omaetions agreeable to the rule ofhis w~ll, this is to walke with the Lerd: for Enoch is {aid to walke with_God, in Genejis; and in theRehrewes hee is {aid topltafe theLord. I i Now as we mufl: be thus prefent with theLord; z f~ fecondly, we mufi: m~kehim prefent w'itli ns. MakeGoilpr~ rel\t with us. And that firft, wee m1Aft looke upon him, 1 ·as one who obferveth all that wee doe. Waen Bylookjng oB a man bath this full perfwafion in bis he. art, not him fecigp all we clc•:~'~/_, onely habitually, but a6tually, that the Lord ,, lookes upon him in all that he fpeakes, and doth, heemakes theLordprefent with him: Then fec?mdly, wee mu!l: obferve the L o ·~ D fp~az ~ km~ to· us, . which a ?l~n doth by meditating Obfcrve him . I onbts Word. But thts·ts not eneugb; for you tpeakingtous•. . :L 1 mufi . liiiC' ) - .