Preston - BT100 P8 1634

HewtheLord fpeakes to us now. l To contider •what he doth··. · to as. . . . ' . ~a:t: {:.~i.. ,, /. ' The Injiniteneffo of hu Pr£fince; ---------------------------------- mull: obferve what the Lord faith to you upon e~ery occafionj and in every paifage ofhis pro– vidence alfo : For although the Larddothnot . fpeake tous now as hedid to theProphets ; yet hedoth afrera manner fpeake tous.He fpeaks to. our co!lfdences ·; .that is the immediate deputy by wluch he fpeakes to everyman~ And alfo bee fpeakes to us by the fuggell:ions ofthe Spifit,_ and the good.motionsofit: likewife he fpeaks . to us by the good counfell of our friends, ofthe Minifi:ers, and others; lall:ly hefpeakes to us by · -the pa1fages of his providence, ( for a-man may ~ makeknowne his will by his..a&ions, as well .as by his word.) I' fay, to· obferve wnat the ·Lord faith to us in all rhefe, is a,great part ofour wa1- · kingwith him. Lall:ly, we muft con(iderwhat-hedoth, and ~ wl1at the mercies are, which hee ibewes to us;~ :wbat correCtions, what judgements, what tur- - ,·nings of his-providence-, wHat he cloth to thofe - : that arc neere about us; forGo o·would have us .to take fpeciall noticeofit, a~ wee may fee Dlzn• . ·5. 22.) Soaifoobfervewhat is broughtwyour·· know-kdge j for as the VVord ofGod, fo alfo his– work . . · ght fought out' by them thar-beIong to hi·rfi: t..; . . . · 1\. frer this.r1-·.• .,pnerwee fhould walke with the .: Lardfromday today. An~ it is ope maine thing reqnired,wh~reofyou are put in mind,when you 'heare that he is every where prefent, yott ibould · .al{cifie pref~IJt with him upon all occalions,and ·obferve' l:f'is . dealing ·towards you, and ~our . carnage --~----------------~--~------------------ ': -.,