Preston - BT100 P8 1634

. . - Or, Hu Imn~enfitie• carriage to~im. Every man walkes with fome.. thing contmually ; now looke what -a mans mind is bufted about moft) that he walkes with. And indeed, towalke with any thing, ·is to give it the honour that is due ·onely to God. When a man is bufie aboutwhat men thinke of him; about his riches and efl:ate ·, how they ebbe and flow, abouthis credit with men> thefe are the things that a man walkes with. Belo– ved, you are not togoe a fl:ep with any thing, except bee fend .you on fuch an errancl, as a Mafter cloth his fervant ; but you are to walke ·w~rh him from day today. W cfee it is poffible that a man may bee in company, and his mind bee in another place , bulied about other things ; and where his minde is , there hee walkes : So a man may bee in the world, and yet his minde and con•z)er[ation in Heaven ; as ·En1ch <lid the things of this life, and yet hee is faid to nJa!ke rvith God: if thou doell: fo, this is a figne that thou 1ovefl: GoD, and deiightefl: in him ; for to walke with a thing' it is the ,beft argument that thou lovefl: it. Let a man profelfe never fo much love to a friend, if bee will not walke with him, it is but in tbew, and not in truth. If thou wouldefl: fhew thy love to Gon, ':VhYdodl: thou not walke with him ? If there 'bee a friend that thou 1ove£l:, doeft thou not deftre to bee with him ? And when thou art in company with many others to fingle out him,is it not a figne alfoofdelight in him ? As when many are -t<>gether, all goe to . . . L I 2 the TowaU:ewith God a 1ign,e of lov.e•