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. \ 16 1Gen. 17. x. l l ! The lnfinitene/fo of bi:! Preftnce; the chiefe man; fo thotnnufi walke with Go 0 • ·You know wliat GOD faith to Abraharn, Ge– nejis, 17. I .I am God A/l.,-Jufjicient; walken:ithmee, and·-bee thou perfe£f. Marke here the conoex·ion, as ifhee fhould fay, Abraham;when I de lire this, thou fhoulde!l: withdraw thy felfe fr0m all o– ther creatures, and thing$, towalkewith mee; know that there is a great reafdh for it, for 1 ttm All-fuffic,ient, tholl neede!l: no other. If thou had a a friend all-fufficient, hart thou not reafon towalkewith bim?.But ~s we {hewed you before, G1d is in fl:ead of ten thoufand friends. A man needs many friend, a friends at Court, a friend at . home, a friend abroad, to bee there where bee . I himfclfe cannot bee; but wherefoevenhou go– .cfr, the Lord is with thee; ifinto ~anifhmenr, j banit11menr is nothing you will fay, if I might I hav·e all my companions with mee ; nmv re– ' member, that 6od is with thee: ifthougoetl: irito imprifonment, bee is there. Every man.will' . confeffe, that no friend in the world can doe fo, 1but yet tbe Lorddeth. Wben l acobwent to Pll– , dan A ram, Godpromifedhim, that hewot!l!d goe l GM'sprefepce with himj folofeph,whenbeewentintoprifon, . m~k~saman Go o went with him,· and withPAul when hee -~ .at home, and _ · atlibcrty eve- was jn bonds:fo when A!irtthtrm·was banithed·inrywhere, to a firangc Countr~,the Lord tels him, that bee wouldbeewith him there. Which prefence of Godmakes·ama-ns home and country, and liber– ty to bee · every where; ·bee is at home, when jiJee is abroad ; and at liberty, whenhe is in pril (on.. Now therefore let a man confi.der this, that