, or,Hu Immenjtie. that wherefoever bee is,. yet Gid is with him; who is able to direCl: us·in all our doubts, tode~ fend us ift all danger, and to provide for us in all our neceffities. And then confider alfo what benefits come3by this,thou fhalt g-row acquain– ted with him, and then thoucan~ finde the way tohimupon all occafions whatfoever, wheno. ther men ·cannot : Another man would faine goe to Go o, but hee knowes nG>t theway. lo6 2 2. 2 r. .ACtJU~int now thy [elfe with him, tmd flee _A_t peACe, .therehy good {baD cfme unta thee : that is, ferve _G o o ·, and thou (halt profper. · The o.1eaning is this , one that is acquainted w"ith G o D, when beebathany thing to doe bee may _goe to G o o, and bee fure to get hdpe from him, and fo bringhis enterprifes to paffe ; bee _·knowes the way to put up a prayer to him, and thennodoubt be (hall finda prefent belpe upon alloccafions. So confider in the time ofdeath; ifthou haft accufiomed thy felfe towalkewith G 0 o, if in thy life time thou haft beene acquainted with him, death will be no death to thee. Death in- . deed is bitter, becaufe it drawes i man from his home, from his friends and acquaintance, and into a flrange place: hc-nce you ufe to fay , wee know not what wee (ball havehereafter, wee kf)ow what wee have heres which is the caufe the foule tremblesat it. Whence comes this, but becaufe wee have not beene·wonted to walke withd1e L 0 .R D ? Is it agreat thing for_.ct man to dye, when bee bath the fame cornpa:-fly; : · Ll 3 and , Walking with 6~,fwccccns death. · ' .I I I 1