166 . . . The lnfinitntjfe 'oj IJu Pre[ence ; •Oneofth~ , andthefamefriendswithhimfrill? *It is .uut -fpeecbes re· chan .. ~ing the plac.e, not hif company : for .G6 n is . pearedby thh~· prcfent everywhere....Therefore our d_uty: ftom Author at 1s , h · · · r. 1 fl ,. clcath~ . ence Is, tomamtame 1UC laconuant cornmu- . ·· · · nion with l1im, that weemaybeeahle to fecch _ heJpe, and comfort, anddirection from him, fo that wee need.not tnrne afide to ,thecreatures, . and bee. dependent upon them. Andindeedone that is acquainted with the):ord, .and bath full ' CQrJlffittnion,withhim;·IJlay bee.fatis fied with . Why-tun dethat -alone :. for what is it tha·t makes a man.' fir~~•mp~ny. .to-defire company ? ltarifeth from thefe tw.o , things:.... ·· . T:o .exe~~ifehis Firfr, chieflybecaufe every one would·· nave fac\U,ties.:. · 'fie,: objed:s to .exerci.fe his faa.llt,ies· .upon ; . which: : if bee bad not .; the.y wouitl lan... gqifh, and a wearifomncffe woul~Lgrpw- upon i Tohandir~ lHons :anda~- themo _ . Secondly, becal.1fe bee would ·ha:ve know.. lcdge,and direetion,and helpe, at1d advice;-and · co.mfort broughtintohis em-pty heart , ,by fuch friends as areable to fugge.fltbefe to ·him : ·· and · therefore he'defires companyo .Now}ihall:tnen not .finde this in the L o il D more than in any creatme ?. Is.nothetbeworthiefrand thehigh– efiobje6t, Q~ whom. they lhould beftow,. their ':C th0ughrs• .: Ag~ine,cannothee filhhy heartwith joy and~ 1 cnmfor.t?ls:not bee onely wife-to givetheedire- · {tio~upon aUoccafions?a.nd is there any thing ·' then that thou {h(')uldefl: choofe towaJke··widt ·:, moreth~n,vith him; ? Ev~r~.fllan . ~ Jhe·more .. --: · " faith 1:- •