Preston - BT100 P8 1634

__________ o_r)_H_u_:I~m~m_e_ · ~~-t~w~·~~-----· / 167 faith, and themorewifedome he bath, the more ablehe is to walke withGod, and with himfelfe: on the other fide the more unbeleeving, _and wc:ake, ·and unconfrant, the more unablehe is to bealone. And theground ofit is; Byfaith a man walkes with GDd,tSnd by rejletlion bee rra!!leJ with himfelfe. There are tw·o companions ·which a man needesnever to bedeftitute of, Go n and himfelfeo Firft,amanwalk~withCoa,w·henby faithbe fees him prefent, and fpeaking to him, and bee fpeakes-againto the·LQrd:tberfore the ·ftrongera mans faith is,the morebedo"th it. . . ·· ~· T • .· i Againe,a man walks with himfelfebyrefled:i– on on his owne attions, ·and ·heart, ·and wayes; abeafi cannotwalke with it felfe;becaufe it.can– not recoyle& turnein uponitfelfe;neitber:·can ··Amans felf~.' childrenor fooles,or weake and unconfi:a:nt men~ ·therfGre it is that fuchcannot enduretobe·witha -out company,it is ahell to them tobe alone; for the Ifife amanswifedome is, the more.heecom- ~plainesofwant of company... ~ _ - ·Fidl. therefore, feeing G1d is every·where pre– . fent, labour to £\:rengthen thy faith in that 'his ·>prefence,t?at fothou mayeft ftill ·bewith him, . and walkewfth h·im. And then fecondly, · labour to fpeake to thy felfe, to repr-ove and -admenith thy fclfe ,..,to confider thime owne ·wayes -and ad:ions, to cheere and comfort,thy· ·felfe ; -.~for thefe are all l the aet ions ofone that makes himfelfehis corn– . pani'oR ; and bee that cloth theft things, thall L1. .f .,never - . I ·