I t68 The lnfinitne!Je of hu Prefence s -ne~~r cornplainc of want of cornpany, and foli.. tarmeffe. ·· · . Yfe 6 • Sixthly, if Go o bee every \-~here p;efent, Ne obferveth then heeobfervethall the finnes tnat thou eom- . all the !inn: mittefr, and obferveth all the good that thou ~~~~~~~;:~~ ?oeft 1 • Therefore thou niaye£1: ~1ake thisufe of . good thott ct.O.I Jt; t at the prefenceof theLora iliould be are– eft, for incou· ilraint to keepe thee from linning on the one ragement and h d d · fh Id h h h rdhaint . an ,,an It o.u encourage t ee on t e ot er ·' hand to abound in e\:ery good \'Jorke~ A man tbould fay thus with himfelfe; I darenotdoe this becaufe G o D is prcfent, he, Randsby an,d ' lookes on. Itwas Iofeph.r reafon to his Miftrelfe, ,though wee be alone, yet Go n is prefent, and beholds it; and ho~ urn I dot thitgrc~t-t wicktdnu, ana jinNeAgttinH GDd? As ifbe iliouldfay,tbough wee fee him not, yet be is prefenr, and fees it,and · knowes it. Neither fuouldeft thouonely fay,. I I . i darenot doe ir, but I darenot fo much as thinke it; ·for bee beholds the thoughts. You fhali fee -an ·exceH_ent placefor this, if you compare · JB{; 3r. Verfe 1. and 4· together , . it is. one .. continued fpeech ; 1hat·e ma.de " cov.enttn-t with J i mine t)'eJ:; trhythmfhould I thinke ·upon a mllj 1 de 1 Both n1t hte fee my 'lf'ayu, and count ~umy HepJ? · As if bee thould fay: I durft not fa much as give liberty to my thoughts, becaufe heebe- · held: -al1 my wayes. It i~ a quefl:ion which thofe that feare G o D, ~reoften wont to aske ;· .Hqw {hall I 'd<'>e t-e bee rid 'of fu~h .and-fitch · .– t11ougnts, that halilnt meecontinually?· hrouid very fainebeeridof them• . lhis.'isan :exceiie~t ·, ·way~;,· .