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-Or, His lnm•enftei~. .. 16~ 1 way; to con,Ctder that Go. D himfeifc !landsby · and knowes all thy thoughts, and takes no.tice ofthem. As putthis cafe; Suppofe awife and g'odly man tbould fiandby, and rake notice of all thy bafe thoughts> that paffe ~hrot~gh chy. heart; wouldeft thou not bee afhamcd of thy Agoodwayro be ri.J of erill th~li.ghts. felfe ? lfthy bodywere madea glaife, and men Simil1. fhould fee aiLthy thoughts through it,wolllddt thounot bee atbamedo.f, .and carefull in them, as we are ofour a6Hons nowbefore men ? Now confider thauhe wife and holy Go o be- .holdst~cm,confi:der that he fees every thought (the leall:w11ereofis no light m<_ltter,) and fure~ I.y it will bee a mean~s to refhairiethcc~ Nay confider, that the L on D doth not onely be.: hold them, but bee ponders all thyattions, to give thee the fruit of then1 : fo that ·God doth · not fiandbyas a mcere lo0ker on, but hee t-ake! fuch notice of all thy thotights that paffe ._ · through thyheart, and all thy vaine words., that ·bee rJeighu them, as it were: And therefore he~ is faid in Scripture fo often to ponder or~r wayu. He put.s thy fins,_ and-thofe lueb inoneballance, ' \ · and his cenfure in the other, and gives theeac- ·· cordingly; he puts weight fo-r weight; he gives. thee correCl:ion, ifthou art his child, and judge· ment ifthou bewicked.Therforc thoumu fi: con– fidcrwhoit is tha,t knowes d1em, what a one hee is :-as i:t isRcv.2 .when he rels his Churches that 1f.! ~~heknmves them all, thenhedefcribeshimfelfc, what an onehe~ is ; .a.shis eyes-tobee of flaming fire,.. and his feet like bralfeo"-1·his, ifconfide-- - re~