- ' lp&tf.4:· 6. ol'c:ned. . ' Tba lnfinieen~ffo &JfhiJ Prcfenc e ;. red, would make a~an to lookeaboufhim. If there was a company fet together, ana there was an Informer fiand ing by, and did note down in his Table-Book" what they faid -or did, to declare it to their enemies, or t<;> the Kitlg_and · -Councell, men~ouldbe exceedmg wary, they .– would ponder every word ,before they fpake ~ fo when Go o is prefent, and beholdeth all that thou doefr, haft thou not reafon·much more to confider thy wayes? Men fay indeed, that the L 0 1t D is ·prefent every where, but our lives {hew-that wee thinke like the Atbeifl:s in -Job, that God is fhut up in the thieke clouds, and , cannot fee through them.. Yea, there is no man but needs an increafe of faith in this pqint;for if it were fully beleeved, it could not be, but that– wee {hould take -more heed to our wayes and · thoughts than weedoe. Theref0re to convince_ youof, -and ,perfwade you to this, I will name – two places: One you tball find in ~pbe[.4.6. One Ged, one Lord, "'ho is4hove JOU 4U, and through all, . 4nd inyou·aU. ·Firft, he isAho'f;Je All: As a man that fiands a~~vC<can fee all that isdone lltlow~ fo the· Lord lookes downe, and beholds all that is done onearth, -Qs a man inan highplace, fees all that -is donebelow. But it-maybee·objeaed) thoughaman·be a- , hove, ·yet there may bee fome corners, fome .rockesand.dens,.wherein he mayhide hirnfelfe – ' from the:·_eyes-ofh-im-that is abovehim·:-there– fore it isadded,-who« i_nyou 411; 'that is;~hee beJbolds. every tho~ght, every fccret place~t~~~~ ~~----