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Or, Hu lmmenfi#e. c~rner~fourhearts ; nay,:hee-isiwyluAii, and through ill. This you iball finde moreat larg~ in Pfal. 1 39 .1. 0 Lordlhou?utfl[earchedme~&nd knowne P{itl.tJ9·t: · mee; th(Jts· knowejt my downe·fitting .and mine up--ri- opened. · zng, theu underjl4ndejlmy thoHg,htJ afarre Djfi. &c. The meaning of it-"is· this: David labours to ,perf~yade his mvne_heart that G o D is prefent ~vith him; a.ncl .heecloth itby this argument·.; If ·: I gee forward,the Lord is there; ifon this fi~e .: or that iide,yec frill he is prefeot, he compaffeth · . rnee.round about , hee is behinde-''and before : therefore·it mufl:.needesbe€·; thu thereis·not a \vord that l fpeake .or a thought that \1 thinke, but heefeesand.heares.aU•. Yea, h~eJ:nowes mj Sensilt-;, ,:-~ . '·: thought! afarre off, . th.atis; as.a man-that knowes what roots hec {!ath inhis Garden, though tllere doenota flowerappeare; .yet bee ca-nfay, when the fpring-comes,this and thi's·will comeup,.becaufe beeknowes the Garden, and knowe swhat roots arc·there-· : · So the Lord knowes a·mans thoughts a farre off,becaufe he' knowes the'principles that arewithit,, and heknowes what they would doe; when occafion . is offered ; ~ .and therefore faith Da:t..1id, 'l have caufe fo feare·ex:. · Nay,hedothnotonely fee mens thoughts a farre off,but hewill judge you · · a farrc off for them. ' Weufetodefiroy hem- · Shiiil~i'-·- 1ockeeven in the 'middeft ofwinrer,becatJfewee . knowwhatitwHldo}i£ itbefuffcredtogrow;fo ·· the Lorddoth cut off rrien longbefore ·;: becaufe he' knowes their na~·ures : ~1Ja:t theywill doe this and.this.Suc~paff~ge~.of his providerice·there , 1nay