Preston - BT100 P8 1634

17z. Tb1 Injini1en~(fo ~hu PreJ4nce i m~ybe,as tocut offchildren and young men,out of the forefight of the evil!,that they would doe to hisChurch,becaufe heknowes their thoughts a farrc off• . So hee knowes thy thoughts for good a farre off; therefore thqugh a chikie of Go D ·may be · cut off in fame undifcovered ftnne, when hee h-ch not aetwaliy repented, yet G 0 D forgives it him, becaufe hee knowes what heewouid doe if he had time to repe:u,and fhould come to dif– cover it ; and therefore Go J) judgeth him ac1cordingly : fo likewife if wee ha\'e begun any goodworke, if wee bee cut off before wee have .6nifhed it, yet remember , that GoD knowes what wee would doe. And feeingbeedoth this, wee fhould learne therefore exceedingly to feare .before him, to ponder our owne thoughts and (peecbes, feeing Go D himfelfe. takes notice of them. Againc, it ihould beacontinuaii incourage– ment to confider/hat Ged takes notice of all rhe good that we doe, as well as of the evill: Revel. Rtvel '·3• 2. 3. 1 /:now thy rrorl:u, thy labu11r and thy p4tiopened. tnce) 1 l:norr try [u_fferi11jJ ; that is' when a man is mifcaHed, flandered, and cvi1I fpoken of, be~ caufe he ferves and feares G.od, becau(ehe is none -of the worlds owne, ami therefore it fhewes forth its hatred inaword,when it cannot indeed; ( for malice mull: have fome vcm,) yet 1 kmwe thy [ujferi11gJ, and Iet it beeenough that I know them, and regifl:·er them : there is not the Ieall: fuffering but I take notice of it,and it £hall bee rewarded.