~~--~-------------- Or)His Immen&tie. rcwardeq. 'Againe, men take tnllch paines, and no man regards it, yet God takes notice of their labour, and their paines, and not of their workes onely, but their .labour}n domgth~n1, and fees what ends ~hey mtendmall. Agame, men put up injuries, and futfer much wrong, yet faith the Lord, I knr;w thypatience,&c. What is faidof tbis,maybe faid ofall other good a a ions. And it is a great honou'r to theLord, that we are ~ontent with this, that he alone knowes it : \Vhich we maybewell en0ugh, for ,his kqow~edgewill bring in fure fruit yvith i~; as [acobfaid to Laban, Gen. 3r. Godhath{eenmineafjliffions;.·mdthe labori.-r Gc~. 3h ofmyhands: And what followed that? Vvby,Gocl ·' taught !Mob how to inlargehi3wages, and {0 tranfla.rcd Labans fubfl:ance tohim. So Pfal. I~ ' tdt. it is faid,,.the Lordknorves the Ji•ay oftheright.e– ous, and therefore whatfoeverhee doth [hall pro[per; hee knowrs alfo the.,ayof th~ fl7icked, and therefore they fha!lperifh : Hence then-it is enough to us, that bee is prefent .to.fee and knowe our laP[al. ! . ult. l' bour. - , ,, Againe, this (hould fHr.us up to good duties, feeing bee is alwayes pre(ent; youknow fouldi– ers though they are fomewhat cowardly other– wife, yet in th€ prefenceof the Generall, ifbee lookeon,theywill adventuremuch; fervanrs al– fo that are otherwife idle, yet will doe eye– fervice, they will worke wb.U.e the M~fter lookes on: fo when wee coofider that the Lord fiands byand lookeson, ana·,takes notice what paine-swee take, how wee doe fight his battels, and '