Retiel, '• 13. Yft 1· . Terror eo wic· kedmen,who havefuchan enemy from whom they cannot fly. ' The InjinitenejJe ofhuPreftnce ; - ------ -· ---- and whatwe doe for him, it iliouid incourage· us and makes us d.bundant in theworke 9fthe Lord, feeing we know that our labour is n~t in 'llaine in the Lord~ ·Nay, it is an encQuragemcnt againfr the difcouragement of men; thou ·!uaifi have difcouragement from friends , from ·Neigh. hours, in the place where thou 1ive1l:; yet let this bee thy comfort, the Lord is pre{enr, bee knowes thy dwelling, thy Neighbours, who is for thee, and who againft thee; heeknowes the difficulties thou meetefl: within any perfor– mance, bee knowes whatt hindrance thou haft, as it is Revel. 2. I 3. I £·now thyw8rkes, and rrhere thou dwelleff, even rrhere Satans Jeate is, aid thou holdeft fajf ~y Name, and haHnotdenyedmyfaith, even in thofe dayes wherein Antipa~ was my faith– full Martyr, who was flaine among you, where SMan dwelleth. . Seventhly, this 1bould bee an exceeding great terrour to all men that remaine in the ftate . ofunregeneration, the LoRD is their enemy ~ and they have fuch an enemy fr~mwhom they cannot flie -orefcape,which is amiferable thing. Onearth ifaman have an enemy in one place, · an~he goe to another he is free j if bee have an enemy in one Landyet he may flye to another, and there bee free ; but however, when hee dies pee {hall be free from thevoyce ef the opprcf– fours, and the wearied ff.Jtdl be at refl, as lob faith; his enemy can follow him no further: But con– fider what anenemyGod is, who is every where prefent; £lye whither thou canft, bee followes thee,