Or,l;lu Immenfit!e· thee, if thou goefr into another ~ountry, bee will bewith thee there, or ifthou d1eft and goefi ·into another world, yet frill bee followes thee~ lprelfe it the rather, ·becaufe, when fome great man makes requeft to a man, and G.o D com– ma~ds the contrary, when tke commands of GoDand men differ, they will rathermake God their enemy than a powerfull man; thus fbme men wrench their confciences; chufing rather G o o s enmity than mens.I would fuch didbut what an cne~ confiderwhatit is,tohavetheLord, their~nerny, . myGodis, he will meet them in every place: Though man be thy enemy, yet bee meets not with thee every \'V here, ifthou bee in thy.chamber, bee cannot come a-t thee. but G 0 D can meete \Vith thee , . , ~ .. there. And how will bee meetdfee-?·Hee will meet theeas aLion, and as aBeare robbed ofher Whelps. You £hall fee· how the .Lorel' expref.. feth it, Amos. 9•. 2, 3, 4• Th1ugh they diggeinttJ ~m6t9.~, hot" Het!, thence fhall my-ha11d take them : · fhriugh tliey ' clim6e up ·to Heiven, thence n,i!J ·r lfrin'-~ them . dti,rne, &c. It is a common opinion, thatifmen . ha\'e firong friends, firong Towers, an~ a fl:rong Land, that is well begirt with Sea,,. and · difts, or great efiates that will defendrhelll\ ."~· that then they are f<_tfe: but ifthe Lordbe thine ~: e~e:ny,n?n~ ofall thefe w-ill doe thee anygood'; foltkew1fe 1fa man have made peace with his enemies, hee thinkes himfelfc fafe,- as ifthere were _no other ·enemy but m_orrall men·:. as the ··· Je.wes, not being killed, b~t-going into ~aptiviry · 1·.: oncly) thoug_nt ·thei:rJives fafe ); their peace ' . m:.1de.:..