176 . The Omnipotence ofGon. ; made; but, faith the Lord, ifyot~ g,ee into captirt.•ity, yet there I will&~mmand the [word to flay you, ver. 4· The meaning is this; no condition that a man can be in, no greatneffe, though he be compaffed ah>out with friends-and fafety .on every fide, can availe,ifGotl. be his ~nemy j ·bee»9ilt pu!tthecfrom the midflvfthe Se~t,ver. 3. notwithfianding e;ery ·man thinkes it an hard thing to find a man in the midft of the Sea; and all this is is butto de- , fcribe that no condition is fafe, when G ·o o is a mans enemie. And thus much for this Attri– bute. THE EIGHTH .AT- . 1 TRIBV·TE ·®J;t GO,D; ........ - -~-. ,..-A • • -~ • ... The eighthAt• H E next Attribute is the Omni– triburco£G1d; ·~~.ll&.l:..l~' totenccofG o o : for wee to'ldyou, His Omnipotf'fiCt . that tkis Inftnitene{feof Ged confified inf0ure things : . . .. Firfl:,. in the InftnitenejJe of his prefonce., Secondly, In the Injinitenefeo[hi~ power. . Thirdly, Inthe Injlnftenefe 1[huwi[edome. Fourthly,