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The Omnipotence of. 6 o n. . 177 Fourthly, In the .AbfolutesejfeofhiiwiU.· · The firft of thefe we have fpoken of, his Omni- . trefence : DO\V wee come tO fpeake of his Omni- , puence. I will not ftand to prove it. It is obferved Tha~God is by_ fome Divine~, tha~ God if A_lmighty, is ex- ~~~~gr~~e~~d preffed feventy umes mthe Scnpture. M~tth. in Scripture. . I9-l6. Luke r. 39• To God nething is impo(Jible. M~.19.:z.6• Ree dDth whatfoever hee wiU: and in Genejir, it is ~~n~:s.~~· faid, The God Almighty vee with thee, &f. Gene[. 28·3· In handling this Attribute, I will f'hew you what it is, and the r.eafons ofir, and theobjeCli- . ons againft it, as I have done in the reft• . The Omnipotence ofGod Iyes in this , that Omnipot-ence he is able to doe what{oever is abfolutely, fim- ofGod whcrc– ply,and generally pofiible to bee done. Other in, things can doe what is poffible to doe in their owne kinde l as fire can doe what b~Iongs to fire to doe; and a Lion can doe what is poffible , for him to doe: fo men, and Angels__: but no creature can doe what is fimplyand abfolutely poffible to be done. Nowwbatfoever can bee done~ when the nature of the thing is ·not repugnant to it,.without any limitatioB, that the LDrd i~ able to doe : and herein is his Omnipetence fcene. And the groundofit is this. Becallfe all creat~res are put into their feve– rall kinde-s ; aman is on~ kinde of creature, he~ is not an Angell; Angels another kinde, they are not -men ; and as they ate put infeverall kindes; and hedged_ in, and limited with · Mm bounds _.,.