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l.t. .Thae Go D u. ~ ------~----------· ' thofe that are convetfant in them ; and yet the H ill:orians that areofany truth, began longaf– ttr theCaptivitie in BAby/111; for 'He,dotus, that lived after Ejlhtr'.r time, is counted the firft that ever wrote inProfe, and~ewas abov~etght hun– dred yeeres afrer ~M•fts ttme. For conclufion of this, we will onely fay, thatwhich one ofthe an- · cienteft of the RomA1i Potts, drawing this con– elution from the argumentwe have inhand,fait~, If things w~rc from eternitie, and bad not a be– ginning; . ' C11r fupra lleNum7'ht1Anum&fu11trATr~jtr N1nAlin Alii quoque res tuintrePptttf /. Ifthl"tl Jt?tre fr111J eternitie, trhAt ilthereafon., that before the ThtbAii 4»4 '(rtJjAil rtJArte, 111!theAncient , l'octJ,_ And.Ancient Wt'ite~J dil._not ~aktmenti1n of '"'J th111g 1 Doe you thmke tf thmgs hadbeene from eternity, there would be ndmonuments of them, ifyouconfider the vafinelfe of eternjry, ,what it is? Solik~wife f6r the beginning ofArts / and Sciences; what is the reafon that theoriginall of them i$ knowne ? whywere they no fooner found out ? why are theynot fooner perfelted? Printing, you knmv, is a late invention. and fo is th-e inventionofLetters: take all Scien~ ce~, the ancientell:, as .AflrDl6gieandPhilofophie,as well as theMathemAticks;why are their Authors yet knowne,and we fee them in the blade,and in . the fruit? So for theGenealogieJofmen (for that r touch, becaufe it is''an argtnnent il'lfiliuated by PAul~ whenbeedifput~d with the Heatheri9, . .AEI.r