I The ommpottnce of Gon. . ---- bounds and definitions, fo is their power limi– ted·; they can doe what is in their O\vne fphere · · and acc<.lrding to their effence and bcing,fuch i~ their power: But theLord is a being without all limits and refirainr, an abfolute being, and ari unlimited eifenGe·j and therefore he can be faid '!-!.itfo11 t. Fromthe Cn:~ ·~~.c~. · not onely to doe things.within fucha compa!fe, within this or that kinde, b.ut whatfoever is fimply,andabfolutely poffible to be done; even that bis.power rcacbcthUJ.1to, and this is proper– lyhis Omnipotence. . There isno.AttributeofG-:elj .that dotlineed·· a·· greater degree of faith than this : therefore rcafons arc not unnecdfarr.•. The firft reafon· therefore is· this. Firn, c;onfider, tbatnee tliat made thefe great things, bee that made the highell Heavens, and thofe Heavens that thou feeft, ·he that made the . Earth, and the deepe Sea)he that made the wind, and the treafures ofSnow and HaHe, bee that •·made the Angels, hee that wrought· fo many miracles, thou nmfi thinke that hee th'at ·dodi · thefe things can doe t:he like: as bee that bath · mad~a fa irepi&tueor ·fta,tue, t.ieeC<ln>make·an– other; ·hee that makes a faire houfe, you are . ready to fay, that hee is able to builda-nother•. Looke then upon his ·great·workes, and you will thinke tha~ hee is able to doe the like. This is an argument Vf.ry frequent inScripture, w-hen there .is anyoceafionofcx-preffing G:o o·s great power-to bringany thin,g to paffe ~ as nee tbat . made11eat•ena1fd.Earth,he.thatJ,rortgbt..thC~child'rm of .