• I The Omnipotence of Goo: ef 1[rael out ofEgypt,he th,st divided theretl[ea, !le · that wrought the wonder1 in Egypt 6efore PhAraoh and all hif hojl ; and fuch like. Secondly, confider the manner how the Lord didall thcfethings. You knmvheedidno more, but fay; Le-t there bee light, and therewt!f l~ht: Ltt the treCJ bring forth, Let the fifhet mul– tip_ly, and the tJyre flee filled with fowle, and it ff':U fo. Now to doe fuch things with a \vord ; with fuch facility, is a figne of an infinitepower: for when one can doe great things, withhis breath, or little finger, we are apt to fay,what could bee doe if hee put his whole ftrength to it? So the manner of hisworkingdoth fhew the injiniteneffe of bis power. Thirdiy,tbe further-anything is off from be– ing, the more power it requires ·eo bring it to Being. As take bafe materialls, and there is greater power_ required' to make a faire buil– ding of them ; to mak« a goodly ftatueof a ' crooked piece of wood , is harder, than that whichcomes neerer in propinquity to it. Now '(no being at all is in a thoufahd times greater di– J fiance,than the bafefl: materialls are from fuch )or fuch abeing, and therefore the power mu!l: bee ·infinitely greater that brings it to being• .Now the Lord bath done this , therefore his power mufi: bee infinite great. To mak~ this more plaine to you : Confider what it is that . reftrames .mans power, fo that bee can goe no further: it is becaufe the matterw,ill not permit · him. If you give him clay, and il:raw, be can Mm 2 m:tke . . RtAfoH~. From the man ner of thcGrc• ·' Btion. 'F..t4Dn 3; Thathe made things ofn~ thin 5 • . • . I