Preston - BT100 P8 1634

·~· ISO Man cannot worke without mateiialb. · 'l{eafon ·6f•. ,fromthc e– q~ality ofil!s A~tribute-s_ • . I I I ; I! I ·. The Omnip.otcnceQ{ Go D. make bricke; but ifyou give him nothing, 'bee candoefl:othing: fojf you give him timber he can make an houfe; but if you give himnop~ of thefe, bee -can doe nothing. But fuppofe now, there was fuch an architeCi:our, {uch a builder, that if heedid but imagine the modell or frame of an houfe in his mi.nde, bee could fet it up of nothing, or make mater:ialis at his plea– fure, he could make it as bigge as he could con.. ceive it·, and· alfo could make as many hou– fes as bee could thinke of, and in a:; great and · large a manner·, as hee could conceive; if there · were fuch a one, there would bee no -. reflraint rohim. Now the Lord is fuch abuilder, what– foever heconceives, he can make itwith0111t any · thing, as he did:the heavens and the earth: and therefore there is no rdl:raint-in his power :i)-as there is in the creature. Pourthly, confider that the Attribmes·ofGod · . areeq~tall,and needes mufr bee fo,becaufeeve– ry Attribute is his effence, and wee doe bua> diftingui(h them in OLtt underfl:anding -:hisomni– potencieis but theaBivepower, his will , the com– manding . j ~nd his underll:anding, Jlie direRing : wedilHnguith them thus. ·But inhim they are.· all one. HenceI reafon rhus : the -wifedome of G. o D , ·the largendfe and if1finiteneife -of - his underilanding and knowledge:, wlfatis it · not abie tQcoflceive ? , Youknow mea areable to thinke much", and Angells more thanmen, but Go &·is able to conceive beyond · them: ~ Fothinhoug~tJ ~t~re·~:lotle :ourJ;!pthe hea... v.en1