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The Omnipotenc~ of Goo. t'Qizs are a~e the eArth. Now wp~tfoevcr· hee can conceive·, his power is able to ~a : In.maa it is not fo ; b~ imagi~es andwills many things, but ~is powerof effe6bng falls {hort,becaufehis faculties are not of equalllargeneffe: but GoD 1 can imagine infinitely, and his power is as large !~and infinite as his'!"ife~·ome; t~ere~ore he mull: "bee able ro doe thmgs that are mfimte. Hence it is faid P fa/me I 35. Hee aoth fl1hatfoever hee w_i!t, to (hew that his power is as large as his 'will : whicp canqot bee (aid of any creattrre.Confider thefe things; for whenyou are in diil:reife, and unclertherod of ailliC'tion or temptation, you · lhall findneedGfthem,to perfwadeyou that CJod 181 P(4l.q~. Gods power as •· large as his ' will.· 1 is· Almighty. . . ·.· Now I come to anfwer the objections which " are made againfi this,which are tbefe: . Firft, why then dothGodproduce no infinite Objef/. 3~ thing,no infiniteeffe~hAllhis effects are finite; and therefore we cannot fee byany thing he cloth that he is omnipotent. . Ir is true in naturall caufes, and fuch caufes h fc .Anfw. as produce things only like tot em elves,which Goda volunt~ are called univocaUcaufes,(but I will not trouble ry not a natN.; you with that di~ind:ion) there ~hecaufe goes rail cat~fe. not beyond the effe&:as fire,alwates begets fire, and cannot chufe but doe it, being Receffitated theretoby the force of its owne nature, beyond the compaffe whereof'tis impoffible, it tnould oper<lte;for all natural caufe'sproduce effects like to themfelves; in like.manner, a Lion begets a Lion,becaufe it isa naturall caufe. - Mm3 ~------------~-~----- But