Preston - BT100 P8 1634

But therearecaufesw-herein it is Bat fo . 0 . tWhi~h yoy . ~aanot '(ay, they prodace fuch ~nef. :feet, becaufe they could not doeotherwife, be caufe the catife could not goebefond the eff'ea for in voluntaryc~ufes wee find tlte contrary' th caufedothnotworkeaeceffarily, but by the li berry of his will, and therefore it maybe able to .doe muchmore than itdoth. NowGodis a V()- · ·Juntarycaufe,heworke~ according to the liber ty of his-will, and therefore is able to doe mu~ more thanhe-doth. :: T'here are thingswhicl1 G6d c:anno do,as.things rhat arealreadie pall,andhaveonce beene, -bee t-annot -caufe them never to have :beene,&c. An{w. The reafon why G o • ·cannGt doe thefe That Godcanthings ; is not becaufe the~eis a rdl:rainto~hi not doe follle b b fc h h ~b! things,is nor power, ut ecau c t e t u~gs are n0t po1n e tor want ofpo. tobe done ; and therefere'hec:annet make truth wcr,bccaure: tobefaHbQod,or things that are,notto be;w·hat. !c6c:~:n~~t , !Qever implies a contradi&ion·,bee caanotdoe: · and thereafon is,becaufe the thing5atenot tabe ·. done: But in things fimply po:ffible,thereincon.. 'Objel1. 3.. · fi·fl:s his vnnipotence: as when it is not co,ntrary to the -natureof tlle thing, as when theprtt6lic!J..te is notrepugnant to thenature& etfenccofthe[ub– jt'H; as a Lion· being a :Lionca-nnot bee a man, - this a thing that cannot be donehecaufeit is re– pugnant to -tbe·nature.of a~ion : therefore it_is flO impeachment-toh1s omntpotencenot to doe 1t~ 3 Godca-nni>t fume, GoD cAnnefdenybimftlfe,: he CAnflOI /ye,&c• , · l We -----~~-----------------.----------------